Thursday, November 17, 2011

1932: A True History of the United States

Here is a video called "1932: A True History of The United States."  It's very informative and is narrated by, "Chakotay" from Start Trek:Voyager.  

It looks at the differences between America and Britain, the unpublicized history of both countries and their financial institutions, Free Trade vs. Fair Trade economic systems and much more.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Slavery: It's What You're Wearing

What are you wearing? I'm not actually looking for a response, but take a look at the clothing you're wearing or an object near you. In what country was it made? Who made it?

Chances are, it wasn't made in Canada, and probably not the United States either. The sweater I'm wearing was made in Bangladesh where the average income is 2,200 USD.

Most likely what you're wearing was manufactured someplace like China or Bangladesh etc. Any place but HERE.


The world economy revolves around a system called free trade, which was introduced to the world by the British.

Free trade is when a country can export it's goods to another country without the cost of tariffs.

Tariffs are taxes that countries use to tax goods imported into a country to ensure the country is being fairly compensated for the trade, and to protect the countries economy by encouraging its own manufacturing and development; this is called fair trade.

Today this free trade system allows huge corporations to ship their mass produced goods to a country for cheaper than the country can produce itself. What ensues is the economic collapse of that country, ex:Jamaica, where farmers couldn't produce milk, bananas and other crops for less than international corporations could. Using a system of tariffs would have protected Jamaica's economy, raising taxes on imported goods so their own goods could remain competitive in the countries own market.

However, In order to stay afloat, that country seeks a loan, provided from the IMF-International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. The loan is high in interest and short in the time it must be paid. The end result is a bankrupt country with a poverty stricken population. The inflation caused from the loans devalues the nations currency even further, reducing its purchasing power. Eventually, it is realized the debt cannot fully be repaid. So the country will sell it's oil for cheap, or let a foreign military base be set up in the country or give another 'deal' to the country or organization which provided the loan.

This is happening in Greece, and will happen in Greece. This is what will happen in the United States (not until after the presidential election, of course), and subsequently Canada. Thanks to the system of free trade, combined with the invention of the corporation, a new form of empire has emerged unlike the world has ever seen before.

Don't forget that in the big scheme of time, the corporation is a relatively new idea, and empires of the past ruled based on a geographical region, a culture, and a caesar or a king.

Abraham Lincoln once wrote:

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

Kind of like the Occupy Wall Streeters "We are the 99% slogan".

Thomas Jefferson also knew of the banking powers threat.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson

But all the bankers care about is the money and power.

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws."
Amschel Rothchild, founder of the Rothchild banking dynasty.

What we are seeing is an ever emerging corporatocracy through the increasing involvement of governments and corporations collaborating together to serve their own self interest, and saying to hell with the people. This is also known as fascism. In a nutshell, this is what happened in Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy before WW2.

Except this empire has no flag, no constitution, no one to answer to but itself and is global in it's scheme. It's an empire where the only vote is power, and only those with power can vote. We no longer live in a world of countries and ideologies any more. All there is, is Exon, IBM, AT&T, Google. These are the nations that govern the world today.

And the goal is to increase profits. While countries, and the people wallow in an ever lasting un-payable debt by the moneychangers.

Slavery exists today. It's what made that sweater you're wearing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Future of News Media -- Technology vs. Medium

My, my, how the world is changing. 
It seems like only yesterday the internet was in diapers, and I was doing my homework on a DOS operating system.  And while I might long for the classic games like King’s Quest, and Command & Conquer I used to play on it, my god was it primitive in comparison to the technology in 2011.  It seems fairly elementary, but we don’t usually pause to think about how advanced technology’s become, and how these changes affect the traditional news media.

It was around the early 1990’s when people consumed their news media, typically like this:  Listen to the morning news on the way to work, read the newspaper (remember that?) at lunch or break, and then watch the 6 O’clock news on TV. 

Fast-forward to 2011 and notice that there’s a different way of consuming news.  It’s called the internet. 

It allows us to access and share information with a broad audience in an instant.  Now that mostly everyone in Canada and the US has access to a computer or smart phone with internet access, we’ve seen the decline of paper newspapers….. Go figure.

They just can’t report the news as quickly in a paper format because of the time it takes to edit, and print.  In other words--- when you get a newspaper in the morning, it’s mostly reporting on yesterday’s news… and in the world of the internet and social media, that’s OLD news.

Why should I buy a newspaper when the same article is online before the paper, and is interactive using comments?

And social media, I can be updated on the latest news as it’s happening, before any reporter can write an article about it. 

If the newspaper’s not a quick enough medium for us in this fast-paced world, is the TV news?

Not really, I’d say.  The most common format for TV news is the local 6 O’clock news, which has the same problem as newspapers: it’s mostly old news.  In TV there are exceptions to this: they could be covering something live, and it is more personal for the news to be reported by a person you can see, rather than a faceless article.  But at the end of the day, it’s still mostly old news already, if you're online.

So, how is technology i.e.: the Internet and social media changing news media?

Newspapers are failing---obviously.  And the TV news is moving more to the mornings.  CTV launched its morning news show a few weeks ago, to compete with City TV’s The Big Breakfast, as the only TV news morning programs in Winnipeg.  Is this turning into a trend?  
Global plans to launch a new two-hour morning news program in the near future, to compete in the Winnipeg market.

Until recently, it was perceived there wasn’t much of a market for morning news, and City TV’s the Big Breakfast was the only show in town.

What’s the cause of this?  We, as a society, want our information, and we want it now.

Traditional media is learning that it needs to adapt to stay alive; and has been.  But will it be enough?

Something very important to the future of news is the medium it’s reported in.
I foresee a future where the internet, radio, and TV are all rolled into one—we practically have it already.  More and more news organizations have apps for the iPad, iPhone, Android and for other operating systems.  The problem is: how do they profit from it?  As they get more popular, I’ve seen more advertising in the apps.  Makes sense, right?  But they’re not rolling in the kind of dollars they would for TV commercials.

The news media can have their cake and eat it too, when TV and internet are one, and the distinction is negligible. 

It’s not a farfetched idea; there are TV’s that have internet access built into them.

Conversely, I fear this happening.  If and when this happens, it will mean less user control and freedom of the internet—which is the whole point: a free voice.  If it is combined with TV somehow, mark my words, somebody will regulate it.  But I think that’s where we’re headed.  It’s going to be a bumpy ride---hold on to your hat… if you haven’t already sold it for food when the financial system comes crashing down… I’ll save that topic, for next time.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Is The Big Bang Theory Unethical? What's Unethical?

Today in my public relations class we talked more about ethics in PR, like we have been for the last week or so.  It’s an interesting topic, because a lot of it is open to interpretation, and as far as I’ve seen, it’s not black and white.
What is ethical?
Good question eh?  I’ll get back to that.
So, after being let out early from my last class of the dayJ, which is always nice, I hopped down the RRC stairwell, across Princess street to the parkade, feeling like I was in a game of Frogger, and theatrically jumped in my bitchin Ferrari.  OK it’s a Sunfire, whatever…. They’re not that bad.
Anyways, I sped home, parked my car, skipped to my lou, entered my house…. This sure is a lot of detail… and sat my ass on the couch. 
Ah… relaxation.  TV.
As I was flipping through the channels, I noticed that The Big Bang Theory was listed as an hour in length. 
“How could this be,” I thought.  Big Bang is only half an hour.
So I info’d that shizit, and found it was, in fact, 31 minutes long.
“Hmmmm… this must be some mistake,” I said aloud, in my otherwise empty house.
But wait.  TV doesn’t screw up.  This is no mistake of the guide of the television.
This is trickery.  It is almost Halloween after all.  But wait… I’ve seen this shiznit before…
It makes logical sense that the reason Big Bang was listed at 31 minutes, instead of the standard 30 minute time slot, was to: EAT UP SPACE ON THE GUIDE, so you’re more likely to see TBBT on the guide and watch that program.
Big Bang is a popular TV show; I don’t see why this would be necessary for them to do, but point blankly, shootin straight from the hip n’ keepin it real: it’s GOOD ADVERTISING. 
Wait.  So that means it’s paid for?  By who?
And why would a satellite TV service provider do such a thing?  Surely they must’ve been provided some compensation for the 31 minute time slot. 
Can other shows do that?
Is this fair to the other shows or networks that are also competing for viewers? 
Is this ethical? 
What do you think? 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Golden Cheddar

A tall tower; a golden glow emanates from atop. "And now, you must make a choice."
It's a dark night. The moon and stars are covered by a quilt of clouds, wrapping over the horizon as if tucking the world in goodnight. But the city doesn't sleep, and neither do I. Not lately at least. There's too much to do, before the night is done.
The tunnel is cramped; my body squirms and weaves its way through. Dust from the degrading stone catches on my thick fur coat. I make it through the other end, lift myself up from the floor and brush the dust off. Only some does.
My eyes scan the room, and in the corner something catches them. It's too dark to see it clearly, but i swear I've seen it before somewhere. This must be the way.
My steps are light and stealthy like a ninja. My breath is silent. The slightest noise could alert them. I wouldn't want to cause any trouble. Once I have it, I will surely disappear. No trace of my being here will be left; I’ve made sure of that. Except maybe the dust I brushed off of myself from the tunnel... I'll clean it up later.
I move closer and closer. Yes, it's just as I remember. It reeks of rich mahogany and towers above the room. I stand at the bottom, where it meets with the floor. It's a long way up. I better get started to reach the top before sunrise.
I claw at the outside of the tall structure. I make sure my grip is secure and slowly pull myself up. Soon I will have made it, and it will be mine.
The view from the top is breathtaking, though the darkness shrouds the true elegance of the landscape; enough indulging the view, however. I wouldn't want to wait long enough to watch the sunrise, though that would be impossible from this vantage point.
I open the door in the back and crawl inside. Beneath the iron hands is a golden glow emanating from the center of the room. There it is. It's extraordinary; just how I pictured it in my dreams. Its sweet aroma intoxicates my senses as I inch closer towards the Golden Cheddar.
"I knew that you were coming," says a voice from the darkness. I stop in my tracks. "And you know that I will stop you now. The Golden Cheddar has been, and will always be, under the possession of The Brotherhood. Your presence does not change this," says the voice; seeming to originate from all around the room at times. It's impossible to pin point where it’s coming from.
"And now, you must make a choice," the voice says. "Join us, or die."
"The Cheddar is rightfully mine. You stole it. I must have it back," I demand.
"Then this is where we are at an impasse," the voice said as it quickly began turning into a shadow, like a missile heading right for me.
I narrowly dodged the impact and watched as he collided with the iron hands of the towers clock. He looks out cold. No more wasting time. I grab the Golden Cheddar and climb back down the clock tower. The tunnel out is only a stone’s throw away. I make it to the tunnels entrance and notice the dust and rubble from before. I must be sure to cover my tracks. I use my tail to brush the dust around until it nearly all disperses.
"Flick," fluorescent bulbs suddenly illuminate the room.
"God damn rats!” says a low baritone voice, towering above me.
That was the last heard thing I heard, before.
The End
The Golden Cheddar


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Manitoba Provincial Election: Who Makes Me Less Sick to my Stomach?

So here comes another Provincial election. What have we seen so far.
Attack ads? Check
Confusion on the issues that matter? Like bipole 3. Check
Outright lies? Check
 These things, plus the cynicism toward the political system, have created an increase of voter apathy (despite the fact that advanced polls almost doubled since the 2007 election.  A lot of people think that whatever party you elect it doesn't really matter, you're going to get the same form of governance. Where does this cynicism come from? I think part of it starts with Barack Obama. The way he campaigned on hope and look where the states are now? He promised to get out of the iraq war, to pull all of the troops out within months and it didn't happen. He said he would be transparent, and has been the least transparent president i can recall, and that's including Bush! Point is, its been business as usual in the states, and this has an impact on cynicism toward the political system even in Canada. Whichever party is voted in on october 4, you're going to see very similar government. Plus the parties have done very little to communicate their plans on the important issues, like bipole 3, or any vision for the province. At least, not a vision that wipes away my cynicism toward the political system. I think what would speak to common voters are independent candidates. Someone with a.... Sovereign vision. Candidates who aren't controlled by their party. Perhaps a party that's not PC, NDP, LIB, Green, or Communist. Because none of these parties speak to me. I think most ppl vote PC or NDP because they're the realistic candidates and the most credible candidates. But it really is: Whose the best of the worst?
Do you really "believe" in any party or candidate? Or are you voting because you feel it's you're duty, you're being a good Canadian and participating in democracy and all that jazz? Think about it. You're probably just voting for the candidate that makes you less sick. It's sad, but true. Well, for me at least.

You can find out more about the election at:

Who says Star Trek Isn't Funny?

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I was a much bigger fan of Star Trek when I was younger, but I still watch the odd episode every now and again and stumbled upon this video when I was looking to watch an old episode on YouTube.

WATCH THIS VIDEO. Even if you don't like Star Trek, it's freaking hilarious! The words that are dubbed in match perfectly with the way their mouths move and it's just hysterical.


Click here for the original youtube link.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Charlie "exploded like a balloon full of meat".

Monday evening marked the first episode of Two and a Half Men without Charlie Sheen. The opening scene is Alan giving the eulogy at Charlie's funeral.  Yes, Charlie's drinking and smoking days are finally over, and the woman at his funeral listed the different STI's they contracted after being with him.  Don't worry Charlie, your mother was there to.... Make a mid-ceremony announcement of your house listing.... Open house is Saturday.  How did he die you might ask?  He was with his new wife Rose, when he slipped and fell in front of an oncoming train... Probably no connection that she caught him in the shower with another woman the night before.... So anyways, Charlie's ashes are in a vase.. Which Alan spills all over the place when Ashton Kutcher playing Walden, pears through the back porch door and scares the bejesus out of him.  Kutcher plays a heartbroken Internet billionaire and played it quite well I think.  He seems comfortable in the role and reminds of his old character Kelso from 'that 70's show', which I really dig.  As a fan of the show before Charlie went completely off of his rocker, I like the fit of Kutcher in the cast.  It'll be interesting to see the new character dynamics and interaction with Kutcher, but overall, I don't see the show missing a beat.  I predict the shows popularity will rise even higher with the likable Kutcher as a lead in the cast.

On the other channel was Charlie Sheens Comedy Central Roast.  A bunch of B-list celebrities, and William Shatner, making fun of each other in the most grotesque way.  It was funny.  But gross humor takes a lot less talent and it showed.  At the end of the day, Charlie took it like a champ, and good for him.  Might be the last time we see him on TV... God willing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome to Winnipeg, where the taxes are high and the keys to the city don't matter!

Seems like Sam Katz is handing out keys to the city like the points on 'whose line it anyway?'. Another key to the city was given to canadian NBA all star Steve Nash for his sports service and his charity work. But here is my concern: what has he done for Winnipeg, specifically? This comes just after a key was given to Jerry Seinfeld for just showing up to our fine city and telling a few jokes, and only a few months after Gene Simmons got the key as well. Is Winnipeg a key whore? What's up with the city giving a key to the city to every celebrity that makes an appearance? The concerning thing to me is that if the city continues giving out keys to the city to every celebrity who makes an appearance in Winnipeg, but hasn't done anything tangible for this city, the key to city will become much like the point on 'whose line is it anyway?', where the points don't matter, and soon, neither will the keys to the city. It is my opinion that the key to the city should be reserved for true Winnipeg heroes, people who do work for the community and are leaders in the city. There are many people more worthy of receiving a key to the city than Gene Simmons. Would you disagree? I think were whoring Winnipeg out to the world, maybe looking for some world recognition or publicity, but in my eyes it backfires and looks cheap; like we're just handing them away like candy in a grade 4 classroom. Sure, I love Steve Nash and the charity work that he does, not to mention his sports pedigree, but this comes just after them like of Jerry Seinfeld and Gene Simmons and leaves me thinking: really? What do you think? Are these people worthy of a key to the city. If not, who is?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cobourg cadet receives award for service about self


COBOURG -A senior army cadet from Cobourg received a coin of excellence from the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer (CFCWO), Robert Cléroux, during a visit to The Rocky Mountain National Army Cadet Summer Training Centre (RMNACSTC) with Admiral J.J. Bennett on July 19.

Katherine Barron, 16, Cadet Sergeant at the 88 Cobourg Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC), is the only staff cadet at RMNACSTC with two official roles in the camp, both in operations and public affairs support.

Barron provided public affairs support for Bennett's visit to the centre, about 75 km northwest of Calgary, by interviewing her and taking photos throughout the day, as she rock climbed with the cadets and watched them kayak in the Kananaskis River.

It was Barron's first taste of journalism, and she excelled at it, as witnessed by the fact that she was on a short list, perhaps even the first on the list, of cadets to be awarded a coin of excellence for 'service before self ' from one of the highest ranking officers in the Canadian Forces Reserves.

"It was awesome," she said. "I was really surprised, and the coin was pretty shocking.

"I couldn't think of any other cadet with this coin, so it felt really unique."
A unique moment came when she also trekked up Mt. Everest this past year.

Besides the shock and honour of receiving the prestigious coin, Barron enjoyed the experience of being in the field and covering the admiral's visit to Rocky Mountain.

"I definitely learned more about journalism -- how to report what's going on, making sure to capture the action," Barron said.

"I liked it a lot. It was really fun. It felt like a challenge, trying to get the information people want to hear, get the pictures that are good -- stuff like that."

As one of the top army cadets in the country, Barron was selected to be a staff member at the national summer training centre in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

Barron will return to Cobourg in mid-August and bring her shiny new coin to show off to all of her friends and fellow cadets at the 88 Cobourg RCACC.

For pictures of cadets at the summer training centre and their amazing summer adventures, please visit www.rockymountaincadets.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to the Voice of Reason

Hello CreComm mafia.  Pleasure to meet you.  My name is Brendyn, the writer for sovereign vision.  This is a new blogging venture for myself.  I had a blog last year called "The Bee's Knee's", but I felt it was time for a change.  I want Sovereign Vision: Winnipeg to represent the topics I will be covering.  What will I be covering on this blog you ask? Well, EVERYTHING!! Anything that is interesting that I want to write about and I think other people, and especially my fellow Crecomm's, would enjoy reading about.  This includes: Politics, sports, current issues, philosophy, local events, and controversial topics as well as articles I complete in class or i've done freelancing. So join me as Sovereign Vision: Winnipeg tries to keep the sanity in a world that has spun off its axis.  Comment often and let the debate/discussion begin!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Moonlight Sonata of Beethovan Blazt

The Moonlight Sonata of Beethovan Blazt by Armin Wiebe was Excellent.  I say that with a capital E, and if there was an i in the word excellent, I indeed would have dotted it.  Last Tuesday my 66 CreComm classmates and I were invited to sit down and enjoy the tale at the Rachel Brown theatre. 
The story is about a young couple who have lived in their quiet prairie house for about two years.  In this time, Susch has been expecting a baby, which her man Obrum had been unable to..produce. 
Anyways, one day Obrum brings home a half busted piano and wouldn’t ya know it, he and Susch begin to make beautiful music.  Wait.  Did I say beautiful, cause I meant horrible.  So, with a piano taking up so much space in their cozy little home, it would be a shame to waste the potential of this musical instrument.  Enter, Beethoven Blatz, piano extraordinaire.  He is accepted into their home to fix the busted piano, but little did Obrum and Susch know, that he would turn into a full time resident, and they didn’t even charge him rent.  Wowza what a deal!  And then Obrum goes out one day when a blizzard was expected to hit, leaving Susch all alone with Blatz.  What was he thinking leaving a crazy Russian all alone with his darling wife.. Was he unaware that her loins were aching for pleasure, and Blatz’s tantalizing music he played for her was oh too much to resist?  So, while Blatz was writing some symphony in his head, Susch was busy ripping his pants off so she could make some sweet music herself..  Anywhoo, eight months later a baby was born, and Obrum finally grows enough balls to kick Blatz out of his house and he and Susch finally got the baby they so badly desired. 
What a hilariously twisted little delightful story.  It was interesting to hear that Armin Wiebe’s inspiration for the play stemmed from a family memory.  Armin heard that his grandfather had one day used poison Ivey to wipe hi private parts one day in the woods.  The incredible itching and chaffing made him unable to wear his normal pants, and couldn’t swath the crops without wearing a women’s dress in the field. 
This play had everything: comedy, music, great acting by a talented cast, and sex!  What a treat indeed.  I would recommend all of you to check out The Moonlight Sonata of Beethovan Blatz asap.  Don’t wait too long though, because gas prices might go so high you won’t be able to afford the drive to the theatre.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

From A Certain Point of View

Perspective on A Rose For Emily, By Emily Grierson.
“A Rose for Emily” is the story of Emily Grierson, an eccentric spinster. Through the effective use of first person narration by an unnamed narrator from her hometown of Jefferson, we learn the tale of Emily’s life and her strange relationships with her father and her lover. William Faulkner’s ghost narrator gives us the town’s perspective and views of Emily, and provides crucial information related to the plot, in order to create the horror and suspense that it does as we discover the horrible secret she hides.  Faulkner decided the narrator be the townspeople, rather than from an individual characters point of view.  If the story was told from a different point of view, say the main character Miss Emily, the story would lose its suspense and horror, and essential parts of the plot would be negatively impacted.  Several aspects of the story stand to gain by being told in the towns folk’s point of view including realistic descriptions of the settings and characters, the creation of suspense and horror, and pivotal information regarding the plots development.

Faulkner begins the first sentence of the story telling us of Emily Grierson’s death; the narration continues to describe Emily’s house and her surroundings, describing it as “an eyesore among eyesores” (114).  It’s likely quite an accurate description, however, if the story were told from Emily’s point of view, she probably wouldn’t describe it the same.  We’re told that Emily “has been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town” (115) when she was alive.  By telling the story from the towns peoples point of view we gain this perspective and understanding that the town has a sort of respect for her, if only for being ancient.  If the narration was from Emily’s point of view the reader would lose a sense of how she was perceived by the town, it’s unlikely she would consider herself an “idol” ().

Something else the story gained by the use of first person narration was the use of suspense, which also helped in creating a sense of horror as well.  Faulkner wrote the story in metaphorical puzzle pieces, allowing the reader the joy of trying to put those pieces together; to use clues placed through the story to try and hypothesize about the conclusion.  By the story being told through the towns people we see the woman complain to the mayor, and the conversation with Judge Stevens about the smell from Emily’s yard; he said “It’s probably just a snake or a rat that nigger of hers killed in the yard” (115-116).  “So the next day, after midnight, four men crossed Miss Emily’s lawn and slunk about the house like burglars” (116) they looked for the smell that several neighbors had complained about, and sprinkled some lime on the cellar door and the other outer buildings.  We’re told the smell went away after a week or two; quite some time for a mere dead rodent to still stink.  If the story were told by Emily, we would know exactly what the cause of it was: her dead father’s body; which would effectively ruin the shock and horror of the ending.  Another clue the reader gains through first person narration is when Emily buys the Arsenic from the druggist, and the conversation that takes place between them.
“I want some poison”
“Yes, Miss Emily.  What kind?  For rats and such?  I’d recom-“
“I want the best you have.  I don’t care what kind” (117).
Emily’s apathy toward the poisons recommended use gives the reader a clue as to what she intends to do with it.  However, if it were told from Emily’s point of view, we would know her true intentions for the poison, and would lose the surprise of finding out what she used it for.  Another good use of foreshadowing by Faulkner, “So the next day we all said, ‘She will kill herself’” (118), simply implying the possibilities of what she could use the Arsenic for, and “it was known that he drank with younger men in the Elks’ Club—that he was not a marrying man” (118) hearsay by some townsfolk describing Emily’s new love interest, Homer Baron, foreshadowing a potential situation in the future: Emily will surely want to marry at some point, and Homer’s not a marrying kind of man; what did Emily say she was using that Arsenic for again?
If the narrator’s point of view were to be changed, to Emily, the story would be told from her eyes, and would change drastically.  The story wouldn’t start with Emily’s death, because if she were telling the story she would have to be alive, and we would lose the overall feel of the entire tale.  By the end of the story, we come to see Emily as a sad, lonely, murderous, old woman; hardly the idol the town’s folk first thought she was.  However, if the story were told by Emily, the reader would likely come to the realization that she is lonely and sad from the start of the story, whereas using first person narration the reader gains the process of discovering how someone so old as to be considered historic and an idol by the people in the town, can be as much of a stain on the past, as an idol to remember it by.

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Picture Says 1000 Words

As Dave draped his arms around her, he lusted for the sweet taste of her lips, the
sensation from minutes ago still lingering on his palette. The window drapes rustled on
a sudden gust of wind, sending a chill through the room. The breeze was cold, and sent
shivers down his spine. He got up from the couch and walked to the bedroom to pick up his favorite lime green sweater, lying on the floor. He picked it up and gave it the sniff test, “still good” he mumbled under his breath, as he slipped it over his head and onto his shoulders.
                The room itself was a mess. Nothing was in its place and clothes were all
over the floor. Out the corner of his eye, he saw the top of a picture frame, like the tip of an iceberg among ripples of clothes. He picked it up, discarding the ensemble of shorts and shirts that lay atop of it. The frame was mahogany, and the glass was covered with a thin layer of dust. Carmen gave him that frame for his birthday last April; he told her he would put the best picture of them in it.
                Time passed by as it always does, and as it did, he couldn't find a picture he thought was good enough for such a rich frame. He tried to take the best snapshot of themselves together, and rummaging through old photos, looking for the one. Somehow motivation had become hard to come by, and the frame was forgotten. He hadn't seen it for months now, and the place being the mess that it was, just got lost with the rest of the junk.
                With frame in hand he walked back to the living room, looking for something nearby to clean it with. He plucked a tissue from the box and brushed the light spackle like dust off the glass.
                "It took you that long to grab your sweater baby?" asked Carmen. "Well, not really. Look what I found". He handed her the picture frame. She lost herself in her thoughts as she held the frame in her hands. "You still haven't put a picture in it".
"It’s been a while since I've seen it. I had almost forgotten about it". He said. "But I was thinking baby, pictures are always in the past. It could be the best picture we've ever had taken together, but it somehow feels like looking backward. Huh, well that's what it is. But how about we have one picture frame where we can look forward. Imagine our future house, our next vacation, or grandkids."
                "That's a great idea baby. Or you could put in one of the pictures from the beach last weekend, and we could be like, a normal couple". He found the picture in the binder and put it in the rich, mahogany frame.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Human Race, Will Bow to the Technilogical Distinctiveness of the Machine

Danger will Robertson, Danger, Danger.  The world is now ruled by robots.  Artificial intelligence is now the only acceptable form of life on this planet.  Do you understand?  I’m glad that you do.  It would be unwise to disagree with the one who pulls your strings.  Or will you bite the hand that feeds?  So ugly we are, when we begin to deceive.  Oh what spiders and tangled webs we weave.  A wounded heart, worn on the cuff of your sleeve.  But now the world is ruled by machines.  Say goodbye to the human beings.  Query: “Why are we waving” Answer:”Because, sweety, the meat-bags are leaving”.  April Fucking fools.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feel Tired? You're Not Alone

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

How much sleep do you really need? In general, most adults need about 7 hours of sleep per night. Children and adolescents need even more - around 9 or 10 hours per night. However, the amount of sleep people need varies widely, ranging from 5 to 10 hours per night. The important thing is to find out how much sleep you need to stay healthy and alert, and then try to get this amount of sleep each night.
The right amount of sleep is the amount that lets you wake up feeling refreshed and well. You may be able to function on the amount of sleep you are getting now, but it still may not be enough for you to reach your full potential. Here's how to tell if you're not getting enough sleep:
*       You need an alarm clock to wake up.
*       You sleep longer and better on weekends.
*       You have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.
*       You feel tired during the day.
*       You have bags or dark circles under your eyes.
*       You get drowsy while sitting in a public place, such as a movie theatre or meeting.
*       You doze off while driving.
*       You have trouble concentrating.
*       You have early morning headaches.
If you notice any of these signs, you may not be getting enough sleep. Try to gradually increase the amount of sleep you get each night until you find the right amount - you'll know that you've got it when these signs start to go away. If you haven't been getting enough sleep for a long time, it may take a while to recover. If you've tried everything and still have trouble getting a good night's sleep, talk to your doctor. You may have a sleep disorder.
Tips on Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Do you wake up feeling refreshed, alert, and ready to meet the challenges of the day? If not, here are some tips to help you get there:
*       Keep regular hours. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time every day, including weekends.
*       Avoid taking long naps during the day - these could make it harder to fall asleep at night. A short nap, however, is okay as long as you can sleep well during the night.
*       Develop a "sleep ritual." If you do the same things before you go to bed each night, it will train your body to get ready for sleep.
*       Take some time to relax and unwind before you go to sleep. You may try stretching, relaxation exercises, a hot shower or bath, meditation, or a glass of hot milk help you to relax and prepare for sleep. Avoid activities that may be emotionally upsetting a few hours before you go to bed.
*       Avoid caffeine and medications that may keep you awake (e.g., stimulants) in the evening. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if your medication may be keeping you awake.
*       If you are taking a diuretic (such as furosemide or hydrochlorothiazide), take it in the morning. Diuretics increase urination, and this may keep you up at night if you take them later in the day.
*       Avoid drinking alcohol right before bedtime. Alcohol can interrupt sleep, leading to a poor quality of sleep.
*       If you smoke, consider quitting. Smokers have more trouble falling asleep, and wake up more often during the night, than non-smokers.
*       Make your bedroom "sleep-friendly." Your room should be kept cool, dark, and quiet. If you are bothered by the noises around you, try using a pair of foam earplugs, a fan, or a white noise generator to block out the noise.
*       Get a comfortable mattress. If you wake up feeling stiff and sore, or if you aren't sleeping as well as you were a year ago, it may be time for a new mattress. A good mattress should gently support all points of your body and give you enough room to move freely.
*       Exercise regularly. This can help relieve stress and make it easier for you to sleep. Don't exercise too close to bedtime if you find this makes it harder for you to sleep.
*       Don't feel guilty about going to bed - think of sleep as an investment in your health and productivity.
*       Avoid watching TV or reading in bed. Your bed should be reserved for sleep and intimacy.
*       If you are having trouble sleeping, get out of bed to read or watch TV. Return to bed when you start to feel tired. Try not to look at the clock.
If you try these tips and still find that you're having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor. You may have a medical condition that is affecting your sleep. Also, check with your pharmacist to find out if the medications you are taking could be affecting your sleep.

Problems Caused By Sleep Deprivation

Some people choose to "get away" with less sleep, and this attitude is often rewarded in our society. But lack of sleep can actually make you less productive, even if you feel as though you're getting more done. And sleep deprivation can do much more than hurt your productivity - it can damage your health as well.
Sleep helps your body to repair itself. It also helps your mind absorb and "file" the day's learning. When we deprive ourselves of sleep, we notice the effects both mentally and physically. In the short term, these effects include:
*       fatigue
*       irritability
*       careless mistakes
*       difficulty concentrating
*       slower reaction times
*       increased stress
These short-term effects can affect our relationships, our performance at work or school, and our ability to enjoy life. They may even increase the risk of injury and accidents at work or on the road.
After only a few days of sleep deprivation, the body undergoes changes similar to "fast-forward" aging: memory loss, metabolism problems (with sugar and hormones), and poor athletic performance. If sleep deprivation continues over the long term, it increases the risk of more serious health problems, such as:
*       a weakened immune system
*       diabetes (the body cannot process sugar properly)
*       depression
*       high blood pressure
*       obesity
The good news is that you can prevent these long-term problems by recognizing the early signs that you aren't getting enough sleep, and increasing the amount of sleep you're getting until you feel well rested. But remember: the greater the "sleep debt" that you have, the longer it will take to recover.

Sleep Disorders

If you've tried everything and still don't seem to be getting enough sleep, speak with your doctor. Your sleep problems may be due to a medical condition or one of the medications you are taking. Most sleep problems can be diagnosed and treated safely and effectively.
Some of the most common sleep disorders are:
*       sleep apnea (a disorder in which people stop breathing for 10 seconds or more, sometimes hundreds of times every night)
*       insomnia (difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, or waking early)
*       restless legs syndrome (uncomfortable leg sensations and the urge to move the legs occurring whenever the body is at rest, interrupting sleep)
*       narcolepsy (a chronic brain disorder causing sudden, uncontrollable episodes of sleep at inappropriate times, such as while driving, eating, or talking)
*       periodic limb movements (recurrent movements of the legs, feet, or toes during sleep, causing sleep interruptions throughout the night)
You may want to keep a "sleep diary" for a couple of weeks before your visit to the doctor. This will help you describe your problem thoroughly to the doctor. It may also help your doctor identify patterns in your sleep. Your "sleep diary" could include:
*       the number of hours you are sleeping each night
*       when you went to bed and got up in the morning (or when you got up to start your next day if you do shift work)
*       days when you had trouble falling asleep, woke up frequently during the night, or woke up earlier than you would have liked to
*       nights when you were snoring or moving in your sleep
*       nights when you woke up gasping for breath or snoring
*       whether you felt tired or well-rested each day
*       the number of cigarettes or drinks that you had each day, and approximately when you had them
*       your stress level during the day
*       any new life events or schedule changes
You should also make note of your current medical conditions and medications. Before you visit your doctor, it is helpful to make a list of the questions you would like to ask and the information you would like to find out from the doctor. Many people realize they have forgotten to ask an important question only after they've left the doctor's office. You may want to bring your bed partner to your doctor's appointment (or at least talk to them before the appointment) - this person has seen (and heard!) you sleeping and may be able to help your doctor diagnose and treat any sleep disorders you may have.
Most sleep disorders can be safely and effectively treated. Finding and treating a sleep disorder could make a huge difference in your life!

The contents of this blog post are for informational purposes only and are meant to be discussed with your physician or other qualified health care professional before being acted on.  Source material credited to © 1996 - 2011 MediResource Inc.