Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Charlie "exploded like a balloon full of meat".

Monday evening marked the first episode of Two and a Half Men without Charlie Sheen. The opening scene is Alan giving the eulogy at Charlie's funeral.  Yes, Charlie's drinking and smoking days are finally over, and the woman at his funeral listed the different STI's they contracted after being with him.  Don't worry Charlie, your mother was there to.... Make a mid-ceremony announcement of your house listing.... Open house is Saturday.  How did he die you might ask?  He was with his new wife Rose, when he slipped and fell in front of an oncoming train... Probably no connection that she caught him in the shower with another woman the night before.... So anyways, Charlie's ashes are in a vase.. Which Alan spills all over the place when Ashton Kutcher playing Walden, pears through the back porch door and scares the bejesus out of him.  Kutcher plays a heartbroken Internet billionaire and played it quite well I think.  He seems comfortable in the role and reminds of his old character Kelso from 'that 70's show', which I really dig.  As a fan of the show before Charlie went completely off of his rocker, I like the fit of Kutcher in the cast.  It'll be interesting to see the new character dynamics and interaction with Kutcher, but overall, I don't see the show missing a beat.  I predict the shows popularity will rise even higher with the likable Kutcher as a lead in the cast.

On the other channel was Charlie Sheens Comedy Central Roast.  A bunch of B-list celebrities, and William Shatner, making fun of each other in the most grotesque way.  It was funny.  But gross humor takes a lot less talent and it showed.  At the end of the day, Charlie took it like a champ, and good for him.  Might be the last time we see him on TV... God willing.

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