Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Golden Cheddar

A tall tower; a golden glow emanates from atop. "And now, you must make a choice."
It's a dark night. The moon and stars are covered by a quilt of clouds, wrapping over the horizon as if tucking the world in goodnight. But the city doesn't sleep, and neither do I. Not lately at least. There's too much to do, before the night is done.
The tunnel is cramped; my body squirms and weaves its way through. Dust from the degrading stone catches on my thick fur coat. I make it through the other end, lift myself up from the floor and brush the dust off. Only some does.
My eyes scan the room, and in the corner something catches them. It's too dark to see it clearly, but i swear I've seen it before somewhere. This must be the way.
My steps are light and stealthy like a ninja. My breath is silent. The slightest noise could alert them. I wouldn't want to cause any trouble. Once I have it, I will surely disappear. No trace of my being here will be left; I’ve made sure of that. Except maybe the dust I brushed off of myself from the tunnel... I'll clean it up later.
I move closer and closer. Yes, it's just as I remember. It reeks of rich mahogany and towers above the room. I stand at the bottom, where it meets with the floor. It's a long way up. I better get started to reach the top before sunrise.
I claw at the outside of the tall structure. I make sure my grip is secure and slowly pull myself up. Soon I will have made it, and it will be mine.
The view from the top is breathtaking, though the darkness shrouds the true elegance of the landscape; enough indulging the view, however. I wouldn't want to wait long enough to watch the sunrise, though that would be impossible from this vantage point.
I open the door in the back and crawl inside. Beneath the iron hands is a golden glow emanating from the center of the room. There it is. It's extraordinary; just how I pictured it in my dreams. Its sweet aroma intoxicates my senses as I inch closer towards the Golden Cheddar.
"I knew that you were coming," says a voice from the darkness. I stop in my tracks. "And you know that I will stop you now. The Golden Cheddar has been, and will always be, under the possession of The Brotherhood. Your presence does not change this," says the voice; seeming to originate from all around the room at times. It's impossible to pin point where it’s coming from.
"And now, you must make a choice," the voice says. "Join us, or die."
"The Cheddar is rightfully mine. You stole it. I must have it back," I demand.
"Then this is where we are at an impasse," the voice said as it quickly began turning into a shadow, like a missile heading right for me.
I narrowly dodged the impact and watched as he collided with the iron hands of the towers clock. He looks out cold. No more wasting time. I grab the Golden Cheddar and climb back down the clock tower. The tunnel out is only a stone’s throw away. I make it to the tunnels entrance and notice the dust and rubble from before. I must be sure to cover my tracks. I use my tail to brush the dust around until it nearly all disperses.
"Flick," fluorescent bulbs suddenly illuminate the room.
"God damn rats!” says a low baritone voice, towering above me.
That was the last heard thing I heard, before.
The End
The Golden Cheddar


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