You’ve seen it, maybe even played around on it while you were at the mall. You might have heard it is ‘magical’, or ‘revolutionary’, even. If apple is using the word magical to describe its products…it’s not magic it’s ‘technology’, and it’s not revolutionary.. it is unique in that it is the first tablet to be released. Yes, the apple iPad. I’ve have one for the past few months now, and I’m very happy with it. I’m planning on doing a comprehensive review of the iPad soon. But this blog isn’t about that… this is more of a competition.. ya. People like competition. There are many new slates or tablets (whatever you want to call them) on the way, such as the BlackBerry PlayBook. Im not gonna pull up the exact specs for you, but I’ll give you the link to em.
Upside: it runs flash…iPad does not. Which means you cant view a lot of content on the web on the iPad…. L But the iPad has all of the apps in the App store and is always growing and now has around 200,000 in total. That’s a huge advantage, cause if there are no good apps for it, then what’s the point? Apps ‘are’ the device, it’s because of that, I bought the iPad when I did; because it is miles ahead of other tablet devices I’ve seen in the works thus far. Can the PlayBook do better? It has vastly superior hardware, so it has the potential. We’ll just have to wait and see.. Here’s a prediction though: by 2015, everyone’s gonna have a tablet, or slate, of some sort. It’s gonna catch on once prices drop and there’s more competition in the market. But here’s the kicker: I was one of the first :p
I think I would consider the Playbook simply because it's NOT called the iPad. Like really someone was asleep at the controls that day :p